Coastal and Ocean Engineering Laboratory
1. Laboratory measurements and field observations for nearshore hydrodynamics
2. Coastal hazards by extreme waves and tsunamis
3. Sediment transport and beach erosion
4. Wave breaking turbulence (measurements and numerical modeling)
5. Marine renewable energy
For more information: ResearchGate
1. Laboratory measurements and field observations for nearshore hydrodynamics
2. Coastal hazards by extreme waves and tsunamis
3. Sediment transport and beach erosion
4. Wave breaking turbulence (measurements and numerical modeling)
5. Marine renewable energy
For more information: ResearchGate
Fixed bed experiments at Oregon State Univ.
Tsunami impact experiments at Oregon State Univ.
Wooden house destruction experiments at Oregon State Univ.
Tsunami-like wave-induced overland flow on coastal community experiments at Oregon State Univ.
Coastal dune erosion during storm event experiments at Chonam Univ.
Simulation on tsunami-like wave propagation on prototype-scale mangrove forest at moderate cross-shore width