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  • Cho, M., Kim, Y. M., Do, K., Shin, S., Kim, I. H., & Yoon, H. D. (2024). Effect of Submerged Breakwaters Construction on XBeach Modeling-A Case Study: Bongpo Beach. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 100049.

  • Dang, H. V., Park, H., Shin, S., Ha, T., Cox, D. T. (2024). Numerical modeling and assessment of flood mitigation structures in idealized coastal communities: OpenFOAM simulations for hydrodynamics and pressures on the buildings. Ocean Engineering, 307, 118147.

  • DANG,H. V, SHIN, S., LEE, E., PARK, H. (2024). Experimental And Numerical Inter-Comparison On Green And Gray Mitigation Alternatives In Flooding Reduction In Coastal Region. CoastLab 2024: Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering and Science.

  • Lee, E., Dang, H. V, Shin, S., Yoo, J., Park, H. (2024). Observations of wave run-up affected by dune scarp during storm conditions: a two dimensional large-scaled movable bed experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1369418.

  • Dang, H. V., Joo, S., Lim, J., Hur, J., Shin, S. (2024). Numerical Model Test of Spilled Oil Transport Near the Korean Coasts Using Various Input Parametric Models. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 38(2), 64-73.

  • Hur, D. S., Shin, S., Lee, S. Y., Jeong, Y. M. (2024). Analysis of Shoreline Change Due to the Installation of Hybrid Coastal Structure with Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV). Journal of Coastal Research, 116(SI), 638-642.

  • Dang, H. V., Lee, E., Ahn, S. H., Kim, K. O., Shin, S.,  Ha, T. (2023). Development of the global tsunami forecasting system considering the dynamic interaction of tide-tsunami around the Korean Peninsula. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1258552

  • Alam, M. S., Barbosa, A. R., Mugabo, I., Cox, D. T., Park, H., Lee, D., Shin, S. (2023). Elevated light-frame wood residential building physical and numerical modeling of damage due to hurricane overland surge and waves. Engineering Structures, 294, 116774.

  • Kim, J. C., Yu, D. H., Sim, J. E., Son, Y. T., Bang, K. Y., Shin, S. (2023). Validation of OpenDrift-Based Drifter Trajectory Prediction Technique for Maritime Search and Rescue. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 37(4), 145-157.

  • Kim, S., Chang, S., Shin, S., Do, K.,  Kim, I. (2023). "Sediment Transport of Coastal Region Using Time-Series Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Spatial Data". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(7), 1313.

  • Dang, V. H., Park, H., Shin, S., Tomiczek, T., Cox, D. T., Lee, E., Lee, D., Lomonaco, P. (2023). "Physical model comparison of gray and green mitigation alternatives for flooding and wave force reduction in an idealized urban coastal environment". Coastal Engineering, 184,104339.

  • Lee, E., Shin, S, Park J.N., Park, S.C., (2022). "Meteorological Water Surface Disturbance in Tsunami Frequency Band near Ulleung Island on the East Sea of Korea" Journal of Coastal Research. 39(1). pp. 191-198

  • ​Dang, H.V, Shin, S., Park, H., Tomiczek, T., Cox, D., & Hur, D. S. (2022). An inter-comparison study of green and gay structure effects on overland flow and force on coastal buildings. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, (37), 28-28.

  • Dang, H. V., Shin, S., Lee, E., Park, H.,  Park, J. N. (2022). "Numerical Investigation of Countermeasure Effects on Overland Flow Hydrodynamic and Force Mitigation in Coastal Communities". Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology. 36(6). pp 364-379

  • Dang, V. H., Park, H., Lee, D., Shin, S., Lee, E., Cox, D., Lomonaco, P., (2022)." Physical Modeling of Hard Structure Effects on Tsunami Force Reduction in Urban Coastal Environment". In Ports 2022. pp. 417-427

  • Lee, D., Park, H., Ha, T., Shin, S., Cox, D., (2022). "Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics on an elevated residential structure from varied wave and surge conditions using OpenFOAM". Coastal Engineering, 178, 104204.

  • Lee, E., Yoo, J., Choi, J. W., Shin, S., (2022). "Large-scale movable-bed experiment on hydrodynamics and morphological evolution of the dune-beach system during a single storm event." EGU General Assembly 2022

  • Lee, D. H., Choi, J. W., Shin, S., (2021). "Temporal Variability in Acoustic Behavior of Snapping Shrimp in the East China Sea and Its Correlation With Ocean Environments." Frontiers in Marine Science.

  • Lee, E.; Shin, S., (2021) " Analysis of the tsunami amplification effect by resonance in Yeonggil Bay". Journal of Coastal Disaster Prevention, 8(4),315-322.

  • Lee, D.;  Park, H.;  Shin, S.; Cox, D. T., (2021) "Experimental and Numerical Study on the Wave, Surge, and Structure Interactions on a Coastal Residential Building". Journal of Coastal Research, 114 (SI), 156-160.

  • Jin, H.;  Do, K.;  Shin, S.; Cox, D., (2021) "Process-Based Model Prediction of Coastal Dune Erosion through Parametric Calibration". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (6), 635.

  • Kim, S.-K.;  Lee, E.;  Park, J.; Shin, S., (2021) "Feasibility Analysis of GNSS-Reflectometry for Monitoring Coastal Hazards". Remote Sensing, 13 (5), 976.

  • Park, H.;  Koh, M.-J.;  Cox, D. T.;  Alam, M. S.; Shin, S., (2021) "Experimental study of debris transport driven by a tsunami-like wave: Application for non-uniform density groups and obstacles". Coastal Engineering, 103867.

  • Lee, E., Jung, T., Shin, S. (2020) " Numerical and Probabilistic Study on the Optimal Region for Tsunami Detection Instrument Deployment in the Eastern Sea of Korea", Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(17), 6071; 176071. 

  • Shin, S., Lee, D., Cox, D.T., Park, H., Karny, M., Duncan, S. (2019) "Large-Scale Physical Model Tests for Wave Loads on Wood Framed Residential Structures", Coastal Structures 2019.

  • Kim, J., Kim, J., Shin, S. (2019) "Wave Celerity Estimation using Unsupervised Image Registration from Video Imagery", J. of Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, 46(12), 1296-1303. (Korean)

  • Lee, E., Jung, T., Kim, J.-C., Shin, S. (2019) "A Study of the Optimal Deployment of Tsunami Observation Instruments in Korea", J. of Advanced Research in Ocean Engineering, 33(6), 607-614. (Korean)

  • Park, H., Cox, D.T., Shin, S. (2019) "Physical Modeling of Horizontal and Vertical Tsunami Forces on the Elevated Overland Structure", J. of Coastal Research, 91(SI), 51-55.

  • Shin, S., Bae, I., Lee, J.-I. (2019) "Physical Modeling of the Wave Transmission over a Tetrapod Armored Artificial Reef", J. of Coastal Research, 91(SI), 126-130.

  • Do, K., Shin, S., Cox, D., Yoo, J. (2018) “Numerical Simulation and Large-Scale Physical Modelling of Coastal Sand Dune Erosion”, J. of Coastal Research, 85 (SI), 196-200.

  • Shin, S., Bae, I., Lee, J.-I. (2018) “Three-dimensional Variation of Wave Transmission around the Artificial Reefs: An Experimental Study”, J. of Coastal Research, 85 (SI), 1011-1015.

  • Kim, I.-H., Kim, J., Jeong, Y.-M., Hur, D.-S., Shin, S. (2017) “Field Observation and Numerical Modeling on the Hydrodynamics behind a Submerged Breakwater”, J. of Coastal Research, 79 (SP), 304-308.

  • Shin, S., Nam, J., Son, S., Kim, I.-H., Jung, T.-H. (2017) “Field Observation and Numerical Modelling of Rip Currents within a Pocket Beach”, J. of Coastal Research, 79 (SP), 229-233.

  • Song, S., Kim, J., Yoon, H.-D., Jung, T.-H., Do, K., Shin, S. (2017) “An Observational and Numerical Study of Storm-Induced Morphologic Changes at Sanpo Beach, Korea”, J. of Coastal Research, 79 (SP), 334-338.

  • Cho, M., Shin, S., Yoon, H.-D., Cox, D.T. (2017) “Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Force Acting on Vertical Walls”, J. of Coastal Research, 79 (SP), 289-293.

  • Shin, S., Kim, Y.-T., Lee, J.-I. (2016) “Physical and Numerical Modeling of Irregular Wave Transformation over a Fringing Reef”, J. of Coastal Research, 75 (SP), 922-926.

  • Kim, I.H., Lee, W.D., Shin, S., Kim, J.H., Hur, D.S., Cho, W.C. (2016) “Study on Rip Current Generated by Submerged Breakwaters: Field Observation and Numerical Simulation”, J. of Coastal Research, 75 (SP), 1347-1351.

  • Kim, Y.T., Shin, S., Choi, J.W., Lee, J.I. (2016) “Effects of Obliquely Incident Waves on Overtopping for Vertical Walls”, J. of Coastal Research, 75 (SP), 1357-1361.

  • Rueben, M., Cox, D.T., Holman, R., Shin, S., Stanley, J. (2015) “Optical Measurements of Tsunami Inundation and Debris Movement in a Large-Scale Wave Basin”, J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, 141(1), 04014029

  • Yoo, J., Shin, S., Do, K.-D., Shim, J.-S., Ha, T., Jun, K.-C. (2014) “Laboratory Experiments of Tidal Effect on Surf-zone Processes”, J. of Coastal Research, 72 (sp1), 151-156

  • Shin, S., Yoon, H.-D., Cox, D.T. (2014) “Numerical Modeling of Surf Zone Hydrodynamics over Movable Bed”, J. of Coastal Research, 72 (sp1), 139-144

  • Lee, W.-D., Shin, S., Jeong, Y.-M., Hur, D.-S. (2014)  “Numerical Sturdies on Rip Current Control using Scene-friendly Structures at Haeundae Beach, Korea”, J. of Coastal Research, 72 (sp1), 69-74

  • Lee, J.-I., Shin, S. (corresponding author). (2014) “Experimental Study on the Wave Reflection of Partially Perforated Wall Caissons with Single and Double Chambers”, Ocean Engineering, 91, 1-10

  • Lee, J.-I., Kim, Y.-T., Shin, S. (corresponding author). (2014) “Experimental Study on Wave Interactions of Partially Perforated Wall under Oblique Incident Waves: Effects of Side Wall Type”, The Scientific World Journal

  • Lee, J.-I., Shin, S., Kim, Y.-T. (2014) “Experimental and Numerical Studies on Wave Breaking Characteristics over a Fringing Reef under Monochromatic Wave Conditions”, The Scientific World Journal

  • Lee, J.-I., Bae, I., Shin, S. (corresponding author). (2014) “Experimental Investigation for Wave Run-up and Run-down on Tetrapod-armored Rubble-mound Structure”, Disaster Advances, 7(8), 78-81

  • Lee, J.-I., Shin, S. (corresponding author). (2014) “An Experimental Study on the Hydraulic Performance of Wharf Structure with Plain and Partially Perforated Walls”, Disaster Advances, 7(5), 39-49

  • Lee, K.-H., Shin, S. (corresponding author), Kim, D.-S. (2014) “Cross-shore variation of water surface elevation and velocity during the bore propagation”, J. of Coastal Research, SI 70, 553-558

  • Park, H., Cox, D.T., Lynett, P.J., Wiebe, D.M., Shin, S. (2013) “Tsunami inundation modeling in constructed environments: A physical and numerical comparison of free-surface elevation, velocity, and momentum flux”, Coastal Engineering, 79, 9-21

  • Shin, S., Lee, K.-H., Kim, D.-S., Kim, K.-H., Hong, K. (2013) “A Study on the optimal shape of wave energy conversion system using an oscillating water column”, J. of Coastal Research, SI 65, 1663-1668

  • Kim, K.-H., Shin, S., Widayati, A. (2013) “Mitigation Measures for Beach Erosion and Rip Current”, J. of Coastal Research, SI 65, 290-295

  • Kim, K., Park, H., Shin, S. (corresponding author), Cox, D.T. (2012) “Three-Dimensional Laboratory Experiments for Tsunami Inundation in a Coastal City”, Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 24(6), 400-403 (in Korean)

  • Kim, S.-J., Kwon, J., Kim, J.-D., Koo, W., Shin, S., Kim, K. (2012) “Experimental Study of Hydrodynamic Performance of Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) Floating Wave Energy Converter”, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, KSOE, 26(6), 53-58 (in Korean)

  • Han, J., Kim, K.H., Shin, S., and Deguchi, I. (2011) “Modified SBEACH Model for Predicting Erosion and Accretion in front of  Sea Dike”, Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 23(6), 482-488 (in Korean)

  • Rueben, M., Holman, R., Cox, D.T., Shin, S., Killian, J., Stanley, J. (2011) "Optical measurements of tsunami inundation through an urban waterfront modeled in a large-scale laboratory basin", Coastal Engineering, 58 (3), 229 - 238

  • Suzuki, T., Shin, S. (corresponding author), Mori, N. and Cox, D.T. (2010). “Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Near-bed Pressure Gradients on a Barred Beach.” J. Waterw., Port, Coastal, Ocean Engrg., 136 (6), p327-336

  • Suzuki, T., Shin, S., Mori, N. and Cox, D.T. (2008). “Statistical Modeling of Pressure Gradient on a Barred Beach.” Coastal Engineering Journal, 50 (2), p 123-142.

  • Suzuki, T., Shin, S., Cox, D.T. and Mori, N. (2007). "Spatial variation of a pressure gradient on a barred beach and its statistical modeling." Annual Journal of Coastal Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 54, p.86-90. (in Japanese)

  • Shin, S., Cox, D.T. (2006). “Laboratory observations of inner surf and swash zone hydrodynamics on a steep slope.”  Continental Shelf Research, 26, p 561 ~ 573.

  • Suh, K.D., Shin, S., and Cox, D.T. (2006). "Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Pile-Supported Vertical Wall Breakwaters." J. Waterw., Port, Coastal, Ocean Engrg., 132, p 83 ~ 96.

  • Cox, D.T., and Shin, S. (2003) "Laboratory Measurements of Void Fraction and Turbulence in the Bore Region of Surf Zone Waves.'' Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 129(10), p 1197 ~ 1205.

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